The best way to get involved is to donate. If you would like to consider joining our Board or have resources that might be helpful, please contact Sandee Mandel.
Here’s how you can grow Leah's Dream today:
Advocate: Use your voice to advance the lives of women by advocating with Leah's Dream.
Follow: Find and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Partner: Sign up to receive our latest news. Our newsletter covers what we have been up to and any new news. If you share our belief in the power of collective responsibility and want to do more, apply to be an official Leah's Dream partner! You can do this by emailing Sandee Mandel.
Volunteer: We are always looking for eager volunteers! Check out our volunteer page to see what exciting opportunities await you!
There’s a role for everyone. If you haven’t seen the one for you above, tell us how you’d like to be involved.
More info below
How are our funds used?
The goal is to raise funds through Internet donors, solicitation, and grants to ensure that every girl receives tuition, room and board, books, personal supplies, uniforms, transportation, and any other incidental costs. The scholarship is renewed each year, when provided with a successful progress report. We expect to support a minimum of four girls per grade each year.
Is family life a factor in choosing a girl?
Yes, each girl who applies must submit an application. We look for the neediest yet most promising girls who apply. This is based both on recommendation and a written essay. The girl must have her parents or a guardian submit a signed, written statement of approval and support.
What needs is the organization addressing?
Poverty is widespread in Ghana. Almost half of the population lives on less than $2.00 per day. Over a third of children do not attend primary school. Education is a crucial way to beat poverty. With formal education, girls tend to have a better knowledge about health care practices, including family planning. They are also more knowledgeable about their rights and are more active members of the community.
How will the organization address those needs?
We offer scholarships to outstanding girls from the Northern Region who do not have the financial means to attend senior high, and post secondary institutions of learning. We also provide assertiveness and vocational skills training to better prepare the girls upon graduation from high school. Leah's Dream also gives advice on community development for women's businesses such as the Sagnarigu Shea Butter Women's Cooperative and Larabanga women’s cooperatives. Recently, Leah's Dream Inc. has established the Afafanto Girls' Clubs to encourage junior high school girls to stay in school.
How is a girl selected to receive the scholarship?
The recipients are selected by the Afafanto Scholarship Advisory Board based on a letter of application from a group of potentially qualified females who are identified by the headmasters of area junior high schools according to four criteria:
outstanding academic achievement in primary school
acceptance to a government sponsored upper school of students' choice
25 and above score on national B.E.C.E exam
willingness to share their knowledge with others in the community
supportiveness of both parents or guardians.
Apply here.